
Important Info regarding Volleyball –

Camp Information under Camp Tab!!!!!!!

Attention 6-12 grade girls (possibly 5th, depending on numbers)…


Any girl interested in playing SAC Fall High School and Junior High Girls Volleyball, please text/call Renae Severn. Practices for our third season start in late August. No experience necessary. We have some returning coaches as well as some new! Plus we have some new coaches for junior high. Here’s some info if your daughter is interested in participating:


    • *Please HURRY and get physical done ASAP. Physicals are good for two years.
    • *Fill out paperwork at www.sacgoldeneagles.com under the info tab.
    • Equipment ALWAYS needed for practice/games:
      • Knee pads, gym only shoes,  volleyball and water bottle.
      • Uniforms (long sleeve shirt and shorts) are handed out and ownership of SAC, a uniform deposit will be held to endure the return of a well-taken care of uniform.
      • Swag shop for SAC volleyball gear, sweatshirts, etc., will be made available on an online store later that is optional for players and families. Go Golden Eagles!
    • Practices will be approx. 4:00 – 5:30/6:00 either at Grace Alliance Christian School (JV and VAR High School) and  Trinity Baptist (Junior High) …depending on which team you are part of, M, T, TH, F, until games begin. We will practice around our games. We won’t play more than 4x’s a week, including games (hopefully Junior High will be able to go only 3X per week.
    • Please reach out to Renae Severn for questions regarding signing up at drsevern@comcast.net or 509-979-5855 cell with your child’s name, grade, new to volleyball or # of years played and position(s) played (to help coach), phone number and email address.
    • Cost is TBD as budget will need to be finalized PLUS we’ll have another carwash or two again to help keep cost down. Plan on attending (last year at Wandermere carwash in Fred Meyer parking lot). Scholarships also available, if cost is an issue…please talk to Renae.
    • Summer volleyball camp (7/22-7/26) for all grades, all levels.  See info under Camp tab.
    • PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP so we can get organized in advance and hit the ground running!


We are super excited to launch our third year of volleyball after a fantastic and fun first two years.

Let’s go Golden Eagles!

Renae for the coaches.

Make sure you are signed up via Renae Severn – 509-979-5855 and then you will be put on the email/text distribution list in order to receive important info to get us started.  As the roster finalized, we also use a program/app called TeamSnap and a good email address is vital to being invited to that.  It will contain the full roster as well as the entire schedule.  Any changes are immediate and send you notifications.  This is where we set up car pools and have contact with other parents via the chat features.

Get your physicals and fill out the paperwork ASAP (under information tab).  If you had a physical done last year and it is on file with SAC then you are good for another year.  But please fill out all other paperwork for the current year.

Payments will be collected when Renae Severn puts out a request for it as cost is TBD upon budget completion with gym rentals,etc.  (Our other team sports have not exceeded $200 in the past.)  It can be in either cash, check to Spokane Athletic Co-op, or via venmo to @docsevern.  Any questions or if cost becomes an issue preventing you from competing, please contact Renae.

General info about practices.  We will practice around games.  Games do not start until end of September.  Practices will need to start at mid to end of August, practice gyms are Grace Alliance Christian School and Trinity Baptist Church.  If your family is still finishing summer travel, please discuss that with us and we can be flexible to work around that.  We will not go more than 4x a week between games and practices.  Ideally, the practices will be 4:00 until 5:30/6:00.  Junior High may reduce number of nights per week as needed.

General info about games.  We usually run about two games a week on avg – meaning one week could have 3 and one week could have 1.  There is possibly one Saturday game scheduled as that is with a team from Montana.  Otherwise games can be any day of the week.  We run carpools for far away games and those are all organized ahead of time with TeamSnap as a group effort.  In town games if you need a carpool please arrange those individually.




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